TuneUtils for Spotify

TuneUtils is a set of quick tools that add some much-desired functionaltiy to the Spotify user experience.


Time travel! 🚀 (Okay, not really. But kind of.)

Go there Have you ever heard a song you loved the sound of, only to have the song finish before you could see the title? No more! Recently played displays your 20 most recently listened to songs on Spotify and lets you hear samples of each, so you can find the song that is now stuck in your head.

Get a new perspective on your playlists

Coming soon With Sort by sound, you can sort the tunes in your playlist by the actual sound qualities of the song, including tempo, acousticness, danceability, and more.

Edit your playlist covers on the fly

Go there (in beta) Normally, it's only possible to edit the cover or description of your playlists through the Spotify app on a computer. That changes with Quick cover, which allows you to upload a cover and descriptions to any of your playlists from a neat web interface, allowing you to personalize your lists to your heart's content from anywhere with an internet connection.

Visualize and compare your music taste

Coming soon Check out Tunealytics. It uses sound qualities of the songs within your playlists to help you find trends among the music you like. You can also compare your results with a friend's playlist.